You’ve weighed your options carefully, studied the pros and
the cons, and decided that the vegetarian lifestyle is right for you. But where
do you start making the changes? Do you go ‘cold turkey?’ Do you adopt a more
gradual approach to transitioning to vegetarianism? However you choose to make
the change, you can begin to achieve the health benefits of vegetarianism by
significantly cutting down on the amount of meats consumed, and making
vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains the focus of your meals.
Choose whole-grain products like whole wheat bread and
flour, instead of refined or white grains.
Eat a wide variety of foods, and don’t be afraid to try vegetables,
fruits, grains, breads, nuts, or seeds that you’ve never tried before.
Experiment and explore! You may discover a new favorite or two, and learn fresh
new ways to liven up more traditional vegetarian dishes. Many vegetarian foods
can be found in any grocery store. Specialty food stores may carry some of the
more uncommon items, as well as many vegetarian convenience foods.
When shopping for food, plan ahead, shop with a list and read food labels. And
if you decide to eat dairy products, choose non-fat or low-fat varieties, and
limit your egg intake to 3-4 yolks per week.
Becoming a vegetarian can be as easy as you choose to make
it. Whether you enjoy preparing delectable, delicious meals or choose quick and
easy ones, vegetarian meals can be very satisfying. If you get in the habit of
keeping the following on hand, meal preparation time will become a snap:
-Ready-to-eat, whole-grain breakfast cereals, and
quick-cooking whole-grain cereals such as oatmeal, whole-grain breads and
crackers, such as rye, whole wheat, and mixed grain and other grains such as
barley and bulgur wheat
-Canned beans, such as pinto, black beans, and garbanzo
-Rice (including brown, wild, etc.) and pasta (now
available in whole wheat, spinach, and other flavors) with tomato sauce and
canned beans and/or chopped veggies
-Vegetarian soups like lentil, navy bean, or minestrone
-A wide variety of plain frozen vegetables, and canned and
frozen fruit
-Fortified soymilks and soy cheeses, should you choose to
not eat dairy
-A wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, which should
be the core of any diet
As you learn to experiment with foods and learn that a meatless diet doesn’t have to lack variety, you’ll find your decision for vegetarianism was not only wise, but easy and fun come mealtime.
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